Our surgeons were the first physicians to perform ablation therapy in the state of Kentucky!

Ablation therapy is a medical procedure used to destroy abnormal tissue within the body. It is often employed to treat various conditions, including certain types of cancer, cardiac arrhythmias, and chronic pain. Here are some key points about ablation therapy:

Types of Ablation Therapy

  1. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA): Uses radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy abnormal tissue. Commonly used for treating cancerous tumors, particularly in the liver, kidney, and lungs.
  2. Cryoablation: Involves freezing abnormal tissue using extremely cold temperatures. Used for treating tumors and some types of cardiac arrhythmias.
  3. Laser Ablation: Utilizes laser energy to vaporize or remove tissue. Often used in dermatology for removing skin lesions and in neurosurgery.
  4. Microwave Ablation: Employs microwave energy to create heat that destroys tissue. Primarily used for treating tumors.
  5. Ethanol Ablation: Involves injecting alcohol directly into the abnormal tissue to induce cell death. Used for treating small tumors and some types of thyroid nodules.